Student Accommodation in Letterkenny


 Frequently asked questions

Q. Where is Ballyraine Campus?

A. Ballyraine Campus is located on the Ramelton Road Letterkenny. Our eircode is F92KC8V. We are ideally located within a short walk to the LYIT.

Q. Is there security?

A. Yes, the safety and security of our residents is our top priority. We have night time security and 24 hour cctv.

Q. If I have an issue with the accommodation what do I do?

A. Please come to the on-site management office. We are available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5.30pm. Please do not hesitate to phone us outside these hours. We are always available. 

Q. How can i secure my accommodation for September?

A. A completed booking form and a payment of 300 euro will secure your accommodation

Q. What happens if i cancel?

A. Up to the 1st of September we will refund booking fee and rent payments subject to 150 admin fee.